Tetra fish is a type of small freshwater fish, and Tetra fish is found in Africa, South America and Central America, and Tetra fish belongs to the family Crescenae or Carcidia, among which a
widely famous fish is Neon Tetra, which is identified by its colorful body Bright and well adapted to an artificial environment, they have managed to make it to the list of most popular fish for home aquariums due to their physical brilliance and bright colors.
Caring for Neon and Cardinal Tetras
On average, the tetra fish grows from 1.5 to 2.0 inches in length when it reaches adulthood.
The male tetra fish is slimmer than the female because the female fish is a bit plump around the belly.
The neon tetra fish is most admired for its brightly colored red, white, blue, silver and black body, which makes the aquarium very interesting. And people enjoy watching its bright fluorescent colors when they float as a group.
Tetras are omnivores, meaning they eat whatever is lying on the surface of the water, and if they don't eat the feed provided three minutes
before, the remaining food will settle to the bottom of the tank, and this waste will create a huge amount of bioload and biomass that has already been created by excrement.
fish, so as a breeder and owner of these beautiful creatures it is your responsibility to provide a good quality filter to clean the water and make it healthy for your Tetra Cardinal.
Neon tetras are among the most environmentally friendly fish as they create much less biomass when compared to Betta fish and Discus fish, so they will be perfectly happy with a simple filter hung
on their back or better if provided with a sponge filter that also takes care of the nitrate process, and a tank that recycles normally True is the only condition that tetra fish need to be kept in the tank, and let them mature for a specified period before adding the fish.
Tetra Aquarium Setup Guide
Due to the presence of tetra fish in a warm climate, when keeping it in an aquarium, the water temperature must be maintained between 23-26 degrees Celsius or 68-78 degrees Fahrenheit.
Therefore, you will not be able to provide a suitable aquarium without a heater and thermometer to regulate and monitor the water temperature.
Tetra fish will stay healthy in marginally acidic water and can tolerate a pH between 6-7.5 but the optimum pH for an aquarium is 6.8.
The natural habitat of colored tetra fish are shady locations and dense vegetation, so they actually live in the shade, and if they are exposed to bright light, they may get nervous and act abnormal, so to maintain
their sanity and allow them to remain stress-free, the tank must be decorated with plants, swampy branches, and driftwood so that they can It can enjoy an
environment similar to its river homes by hiding in such dark places and the air line tubes from the air pump in the aquarium must be connected to any air outlet.
The aquarium must be properly cleaned so that it is free of biomass or fine organic particles, the water must not smell foul and the aquarium should
be cleaned without using any chemicals and preferably with hot water. If you are painting the aquarium, use only aquarium-safe paints.
Hatching and caring for tetra eggs
When the tetra fish is ready to breed, you should prepare another tank with clean water, live plants, and a peat filter.
The female should be placed in the mating tank the night before mating, then add the male after the female. After adding the male, it is very important for the breeder to watch the behavior of the male tetra fish.
In such a case, the female must be returned to her section in the pelvis, and this male will help control his aggression and accept his partner the next time, and two to three females can be placed in
the pelvis so that the male Tetra does not have to focus on one female, and to give a breeding environment similar to the wild must be covered The sink has some solid panels with a window to provide a little light and a little bit of a view.
When a male tetra fertilizes the eggs, it must be removed from the breeding tank immediately to prevent it from attacking the pregnant tetra or the eggs, and the eggs hatch within 24 hours.
The small tetra fish is about one centimeter in size, so it must be fed something that they can eat without any difficulty, and the infusors can be offered to them For
the first few days, once the young have grown a bit, they can be fed brine shrimp, but you can also buy some commercial fry products for better care as they are healthy and easy to serve.
Tetra fish behavior and reproduction
In wild rivers, tetra fish breed in the rainy season when the weather is wet with continuous rain, but when it adapts in the aquarium it can reproduce throughout the year due to the temperature
and humidity conditions that are controlled, and some types of female tetra fish are active for reproduction at the age 9-12 months, but in some large species the active breeding age begins between 1.5 and 2 years.
To achieve success in breeding tetra fish, separate male and female tetra fish must be kept in the same tank but in separate sections created by a clear interval between them for a period of two to three weeks so
that they can see their partners and prepare for the future of mating and subsequent paternity, and you can differentiate between male and female fish
Tetra by its physical appearance, males are usually less skinny and more colorful than females and females are fatter and rounder due to the accumulation of eggs.